Figure, OpenAI: The Robots Are Here

A Baby Robot Steps Out of the Crib

Ever since those grainy black and white videos of LaMDA composing the occasional haiku, the question on everyone's mind has been: when will robots learn to chat with us? Well, hold onto your metaphorical hats, because Figure Technologies just dropped a doozy.

Two weeks ago, Figure announced a partnership with OpenAI to do just that. Today, we get our first glimpse of the future, and let me tell you, it's both exciting and slightly creepy.

Introducing Figure 01: The Chatty Roomba with a PhD

Imagine a Roomba with a serious case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). This is essentially Figure v01. Equipped with various bells and whistles (cameras, fancy processors), it can now not only navigate your floor with laser-like precision, but also engage in full conversations using something called an "end-to-end neural network."

What's that fancy term mean?

Think of it as a super-powered translator between robot-speak and human-speak. Figure v01 sees the world through its cameras, which feed information to a massive pre-trained model (think: the smartest Google Translate ever). This model then deciphers the visual data, digs into its memory of past conversations, and spits out a response.

So, it can just talk about the weather?

Not quite. Here's the mind-blowing part: Figure v01 can also:

  • Describe what it sees: Imagine asking your robot vacuum cleaner to tell you what kind of mess it just encountered.

  • Plan and reason: Lost your keys under the couch? This little bot can strategize a search plan based on your past conversations and the layout of the room.

  • Reflect on its memory: Ever wonder what your Roomba thinks about after a long day of cleaning? Now you might actually get an answer.

  • Explain its thought process: Why did it choose to clean that corner first? It can now tell you (hopefully without existential dread).

This sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie.

It certainly feels like a big leap. The video accompanying the announcement shows Figure v01 navigating a room, identifying objects, and even having a somewhat coherent conversation about its surroundings.

Here's the kicker: all its movements and actions are learned, not pre-programmed. This little bot is constantly taking in information, making connections, and refining its understanding of the world.

Is this the robot uprising we've been warned about?

Probably not. Right now, Figure v01 seems more like a curious toddler than a Terminator. But this is a significant step towards a future where robots can not only interact with their environment but also engage in meaningful conversations.

The big question: where do we go from here?

As with any powerful technology, the ethical considerations are paramount. We need to ensure these AI systems are developed and used responsibly. But one thing's for sure: the days of the silent Roomba are numbered. Get ready for a future filled with chatty robots, and buckle up - it's going to be a wild ride.

Doug Erickson